Monday, June 4, 2012

Birthday Eve - What's In a Day?

I just got home from celebrating my birthday (which is actually tomorrow) with my handsome hubby and lovely daughter. Between a coupon and an early-bird special, we ate sumptuous seafood overlooking the beach and then saw "The Avengers" movie. Mike had some roses for me, and we ate vanilla bean cupcakes.

For most of my life, I have felt strongly it was important to celebrate my birthday or other special occasions on the "actual day",  possibly because I wanted the busy world to stop and notice me, if just for one day. This year we celebrated Mother's Day a week early and my birthday a day early - unless I wanted to celebrate it without my family, since they both had to work.

For some reason, I didn't mind missing the exact day at all - maybe that means I am finally growing up. I certainly hope so. I'm just thankful tonight for life, a loving family, and a big God who loves me. I'll take that any day.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Taking Time and Making Musical Memories

As I mentioned in previous posts, my daughter and I just got back from a road trip to see friends and family in Ohio and Michigan. The first and last days were long travel days of 13-14 hours each. Surprisingly, those days were some of my very favorite of our trip because Kate and I had long leisurely conversations as we tooled down the highway. We found ourselves sharing stories or viewpoints that never seemed to come out in our daily routines at home.

Another highlight of our trip was singing together with all seven of the Salsbury women: grandma, aunts, cousins, and daughters. I pitched the idea to everyone and they all thought it would be fun. We rehearsed less than an hour on Friday, ran through the piece once on Saturday and again on Sunday before we sang. It sounded lovely, and I was so very proud of how everyone helped each other find their parts.

Both the trip itself and the ladies septet were memories we'll never forget, but I think about how I almost didn't do either because I was "too busy". If Kate hadn't put together the trip plan, I wouldn't have planned the ladies special, and all of us would have missed out.

I realized that I have been guilty of letting life just happen to me instead of planning to make time for some simple memories.Life is too short to just react to what the world throws at me; I need to set aside some time to recharge with other people.

Before we know it, the summer will have flown by and school will be starting again. Make a point of setting up some time with your children one-on-one with you. Set up a lunch or Saturday afternoon with a friend. Make some simple memories - and you'll be glad you did.

Attached is the link to the Salsbury Ladies singing "The Solid Rock". Enjoy - we sure did!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Trust Yourself...and Trust Your God

Recently I had the delightful privilege of making the acquaintance of my great-niece Alexi Joy. Holding her and gazing into her sweet face, I was reminded of how I loved holding my own baby (who is now 25!). I also remembered how often I battled worries that I wasn't a "good enough" mother. When I finally blurted out my concerns to some wise older soul, she shared a wonderful perspective: God had chosen me to be the mother of my child, and that meant that He would give me everything I needed to be the best mom for my baby. I wasn't so very sure about it at the time, but it has proven to be true.

When an actor is cast in a role, it is up to the director and production staff to provide everything the actor needs to perform his role; giving him a script, fitting him with his costume, telling him how and where to move, and even giving him a stage on which to perform. Just the same way, our Heavenly Father puts us in roles that He wants us to perform, and He provides all we need as well to make the production a success. 

Maybe there is some new role in your life you are currently facing: new motherhood, a different job, finding a new identity after being a caregiver for a parent, dealing with unemployment, or being an empty nester. New roles  are usually challenging and sometimes intimidating. After years of teaching school, I suddenly found myself working in professional theatre. Four years later my husband went to grad school and I was hired to do live television. A couple years into that, my job description changed and I found myself doing copywriting and marketing as well. Now that my husband has graduated with his MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Acting and Directing, we are unsure what the next assignment will be. I can't say I am thrilled about yet one more move but I know that if God calls us to do it, He will provide what we need.

In whatever role the Lord has currently cast you, please know that He is mindful of who you are and is confident that you will succeed at the task He has given you. Trust yourself and trust the One who calls you.