IC (Interstitial Cystitis)

1 comment:

  1. Last May I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (known as IC), which means that certain foods cause me to have excruciating pain (think of the worst urinary infection you've ever had but make it last for-ev-er...). Yeah - that's IC.For more about IC, go to: http://www.womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/interstitial-cystitis.cfm

    Chocolate, caffeine, and most spices make the pain flare, along with anything slightly acidic: all fruits (except blueberries, Gala apples, honeydew melon and pears), anything with vinegar (salad dressings, ketchup, mustard, mayo), soy (soy sauce, soy milk, most snack bars), fermented (most cheeses, yogurt, wine), carbonated or with artificial sweeteners (farewell, Diet Coke - I knew thee well). Anything the least bit spicy like Mexican food, a lot of Chinese dishes, or Cajun is out, as well as Italian because of the tomatoes and onions. When I go to a restaurant I hate to order because I have to be very specific about what I can have. I usually just ask for a chicken breast or a steak "seasoned only with salt". The servers are usually very helpful, but sometimes the cooks don't understand and send out something I can't eat.

    I have to admit there have been times in my life when I have known acquaintances who had special dietary needs, and inwardly I was less than compassionate, assuming they were just being high maintenance. How my hard heart must have grieved the heart of God. There is nothing like personal experience coupled with pain to open your eyes to a new perspective.

    Giving up chocolate has been a lot easier than I ever dreamed - when the choice is a piece of Godiva or pain, Godiva can just go riding on by. I'm learning that I can be a lot more disciplined than I thought in other areas, too - sin of any kind is really not worth the pain.

    My purpose in this post is not to complain - I just wanted to share the lessons I'm learning, even if I am a slow learner.
