On FB today a friend of mine was so very excited that she got some sourdough bread and eggnog. This may not sound earthshaking to most people, but this friend, like me, has some medical issues that greatly restrict the types of food her body can handle. Her situation is MUCH more restrictive than mine, but she bears it with an incredibly gracious spirit. The newly discovered sourdough bread is made with millet and her eggnog is made of soy, but nevertheless I celebrate with her at the new variety this adds to her diet.
In what we call the Lord's Prayer, Jesus asked that God would "give us this day our daily bread." I got to thinking about bread, especially as my husband is gluten-intolerant. When we pray for bread, it may or may not be literal bread. For my husband or my friend, it probably isn't - but the God who created them also knows what they can eat. God also knows that I have Interstitial Cystitis (IC) and knows what is good for my body and provides that.
I just had a picture of the feeding of the 5000 and one person bypassing the basket of bread -"No thanks - I'm gluten-intolerant." I doubt that happened - for one thing, their wheat was a whole different variety than we have nowadays, and it is highly unlikely anyone was gluten-intolerant. But if they were, I have no doubt that God made the bread to be exactly what they needed.
God knows exactly what we need from one moment to the next, and He provides it so graciously and abundantly.So whether you need a loaf of bread, a glass of egg nog or whatever it might be - He promises to provide - exactly what you need.
AMEN! Thank you, friend!!! I'm honored and encouraged. :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for being such an inspiring friend! Enjoy your bread and nog!