Thursday, November 10, 2011

To Blog Or Not To Blog

I made a commitment to blog every day for the 30 days of November, and so far I'm doing pretty well at getting the posts churned out. The problem is, though, that I often am working on my blog late in the evening and it is cutting into our sleep. Mike and I take turns (though it is usually me more than him) saying, "I'm almost done with X and then I'll get ready for bed," and then the other person gets involved in something and it goes back and forth. Before we know it, it's close to midnight and we're getting cranky. 

The point of blogging is building relationship, but if my blogging is keeping me from spending time with the ones I love most, perhaps I need a paradigm realignment.  I also read on a blog the other day that the author was discontinuing her blog. She had gone through a difficult transition in her life and the people on her blog really helped her, but she had recently realized that she was no longer in real relationships with anyone. Her blog world became so much more comfortable she had withdrawn from the real world. So she's going cold turkey and closing down the blog to force her to get out in the world with flesh and blood people. I wish her the best.

I don't think I need to quit blogging, but I do need to come up with some ways to blog without staying up so late. In light of that conclusion, I think I'll close this past and get to bed on time.  Here's my question for you: do your online relationships sometimes crowd out the real people ones? I look forward to reading your posts  - as long as you don't stay up too late writing them!

Sandy Kay Salsbury

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